Sony to Launch the New Prs-300 and PRS-600!

According to engadget, Sony is planning to introduce new ebook readers: PRS-300 and PRS-600 in the near future.

…and the specs were accidentally leaked…without any wireless component sight. Big Mistake!

Why make another ebook reader without a wireless feature when it is clear that wireless makes the difference?

With the many ebook readers popping up all over the place, the ones that will survive are those that offer the  public other useful added features.

Take the iPhone, for example, it’s ” hot” not because it is just a phone, but because of the many other useful features that it offers.

The reality of the matter is, top ebook readers are going to have to do the same.  That’s if they are going to win the ebook reader battle and attract most of the general public and not just those who like to read.

People will need to see these devices not just as book readers, but as a media to other useful information including “net” access: twitter, facebook, Youtube, etc., – with little or no data plan…plus play games,  music, video, and so on…

The amazon Kindle. is sort of “thinking in that direction” right now, but it is left to be seen what it does in the future…especially with Barnes and noble looming large over the horizon with its imminent ebook reader alternative which  should provide some real competition.

The truth is, ebooks reader have quite a way to go to attract most of the general public, so you can expect them to “morph” into mini-computers.

As for the up and coming  Sony PRS-300 and PRS-600.  Who knows, perhaps  Sony have a little surprise up its sleeve for us. We will just have to wait and see.

Maybe that’s the reason why the PRS-700BC has disappeared from their website.

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